Sunday, August 17, 2008

Go Breanna!!

Say Hello to the newest member of NorthRidge's High School Volleyball Team.

This accomplishment didn't come with ease. There was a fair amount of whining about doing the conditioning and having to endure "Hell Week". In the end, hard work and a nudge or two from Paige appeared to pay out. I know this will be a great experience for her. We are extremely proud.


Maude Beckman said...

NOthing better than Volleyball! Congrats Breanna! I have great memories of my High school volleyball days!

Jeni said...

Congratulations Breeeeeeee!

Widdisons said...

Let's play volleyball again soon to break her in

Sandy said...

That is awesome!
I will have to come and see her play sometime.

kari said...

Congrats Breanna! You are so cute and I would love to bring Brayden and come watch you play sometime.